
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

My View

My view today has changed numerous times.  I have seen dirty dishes in the sink.  I have seen a messy classroom of kids homeschooling.  I have seen cars in traffic while heading to piano lessons.  I have seen a wonderful music teacher pouring her heart into my children.  I have seen a handsome man walk through my door (yes ladies, my husband). :) I have seen the dark while I lie with my eyes closed to catch a moments worth of rest before dinner.  In all of the things I have seen today I have seen God working in my life.  Its been good!

Of course I have seen many more things than I have listed here but you get my point.  Sometimes our day is so busy that we see many things but fail to really "see" them.  How often have we had one of  our children ask us to look at a piece of their art just to take a quick glance, offer a short praise, and be on our way. My hands up here sadly.  How often have we walked right by a hurting soul only because we were so focused on getting to our next destination?  Yep, been there too!

We have been so inundated with the busyness of this life that there are days and times that we just fail to acknowledge our view.  My husband has been asking me a question lately, "What is your motivation?"  It really has me considering why I do all that I do.  If I truly could understand that thought I believe I would be able to take in each view around me for what it truly is worth instead of rushing and doing so much that at the end of that day doesn't truly matter.

Maybe this shouldn't be titles My View but rather What is Your Motivation?  Think about your views throughout your day and consider what your motivation is.  I bet there will be some changes you choose to make!